

I’ve been quiet for a few months.



I started to realise that I was being seen as more important than the messages I was trying to get over. I had messages from people around the world who were more interested in the messenger than the message. That’s not what I’m about.

So I stopped, until I was happy that people reading this would take notice of the messages, and pay less attention to me.

And that got me thinking. Too many people in the Spiritualist Community don’t want to understand the basics. It’s not about how you get messages. It’s not even about messages at all.

It’s about life.

OK, so it’s a given that life is eternal, and cannot be destroyed.

So why bother.

We can’t get rid of life. We are destined to exist whatever we do and however we live it. As I see it, it doesn’t matter. So that’s precisely why it’s so important.

Let me explain.

You can get so wrapped up in yourself that nothing else matters. It’s easy to do that, and we’ve all done it at some point. Looking inward is second nature. Placing importance on material things is all too easy in a material world where the ownership of physical objects and services are seen as status.

My point is, that you show yourself to be of more value if you can happily exist without these superficial trappings. After all, it’s only recently that these consumer items have been available. Mankind has been around for millenia, consumer goods have only been available for a few decades.

Less is more, particularly to the world of Spirit.

Less distraction, more honesty. Don’t do things because they are the things that you think that you should be doing. Do things because you know them to be right.

Believe in the message, don’t worship the messenger.

Don’t try to be too “Spiritual” while you’re on the Earth Plane. You’ve been given this life on Earth to make a difference. So make that difference by showing how connected you are to other Humans. In this way you will grow Spiritually. It’s Natural Law. It should come naturally to us.

Until the next time.



Hello there,

I thought it might be appropriate, given the date, to look at things which we all take for granted from time to time. Just how Human, or Spiritual, are our emotions. And what is this thing called “Love” that we all talk about.

Well if we take extreme, Humanist, points of view then all our emotions are just a by-product of the chemical reactions that every Human has happening inside them. Indeed, Human life would be impossible without these reactions. But are they anything to do with our emotions ?

Let’s look at the work of B. F. ( Burrhus Fredric – I think if I changed my name by deed poll, I might be a Burrhus. There are a lot of Kevin’s about.) Skinner. It was his theory that there was no such thing as emotions, and what we interpret as emotions are mere reactions to outside influences. He did many experiments on Mammals, mainly rats, and in doing so also provided the name for one of my favourite Folk Bands.

(Don’t be afraid to Google “Skinners Rats”. Also Google ” John Ward”  the Singer / Songwriter, not Johnnie Ward, the blues man – I know that some Americans read my blog).

I can’t accept this theory. how can it explain all of the varying emotions that we all experience. I have to say that I have a lot of time for Humanists. They are right in that we all have one life, but I know that life is eternal, and not just Earthly. But I do agree with them that you should make a difference and treat everyone with respect.

Anyway, back to the business at hand. If emotion isn’t just the result of Biochemical reactions, then what is it?

If it’s not an internal thing, then what about outside influences. Are emotions given to us by Spirit?  Well, that can’t be right either. If you accept that we are all responsible for our own actions, then it logically follows that we have free will to make those actions. If those actions are just governed by emotions that are given to us, then we have no free will. So emotions, and the love that our knowledge is based upon have to be within our control.

So, I believe that the answer lies between these two stances. I feel that some emotional stimulus comes from within, and some without. It’s true that no two people will react to the same situation in the same way. We are all individuals, with unique relationships, and the relationship we have with Spirit is unique.

So, where do our emotions come from?

It doesn’t matter. Just enjoy them. They make you unique, so celebrate the fact that you can love unconditionally. More importantly, make sure that you do.

The more Love there is in the world, the better for all of us.

Love your heart out.

Don’t be afraid of your emotions.

Become more Spiritual by being a better Human.

Until the next time.

Think things over for yourself, and don’t let any Human tell you that you’re wrong.


Hello again.

Many things cause me some degree of concern, and sometimes amusement, when sitting in groups, Churches, Circles etc., and I suppose I wouldn’t be Human if it were otherwise. Please let me expand my concerns on one area.


Now, many of you who are regulars to my musings will be all too aware of my secular approach, and will be aware that I do accept the concept of God dwelling within us, but I don’t see how a perfect and ideal entity such as God needs any degree of worship, just acceptance and acknowledgement. As I have said on numerous occasions, I do – and with all of my heart. So I don’t worship. But equally, I don’t have any problem with others who see worship of God as being the core of what they do. We all have free will and are responsible for ourselves.


And it’s a big “but”.

Why do we shift our worship from God to Man in the way some of us appear to worship some mediums. It’s something I don’t understand, and cannot accept, but it happens all too often.

The most obvious form of this is the way some people react to “Media Mediums”. People hang on their every word, and place them on pedestals. They follow them when they are on tour, and buy the various consumer items from the foyer shop after the show, where everything from “Motivation Cards” to their latest CD’s and DVD’s are relentlessly pedaled. And they are ruthlessly marketed, in addition to the usually high ticket price. Poor Media mediums are as rare as hens teeth. And don’t get me started on over priced “retreats” and “educational awards” that some of these people market. The story of The Christ casting the traders out of the Temple comes to mind. And I’m not a Christian, but even I know it’s a “sharp practice”.

But it doesn’t end there. Facebook is full of “mediums” asking brazenly for votes to “prove” that they are the best medium, or better than others. How shallow are these people? Do they lack basic understanding ? Do they really think that Spirit has genuinely given them a gift so that they can be in any way better than others. or do they indeed have the gifts that they would have you believe. If they really think that being a medium is about making yourself better in any way than others, then they have learned nothing. Spirit contact, in its various forms, is about humility and simplicity. Nothing about being popular. Mediums do not need, nor should have, a personal following. It’s a distraction, and a complication to get in the way of the required simplicity.

Even at “Grass Roots” there are problems. When it comes to Church and Meeting attendance it’s been apparent to me for a while that attendances vary if a “popular” or “unpopular” medium is speaking. Surely it’s about the whole package, including any Philosophy and inspirational readings, not just the messages you might get. If you don’t embrace the philosophy, then any messages don’t have the full impact. Quite aside from the fact that Spiritualism is a 24 / 7 thing, not just turning up once or twice a week in the hope that the medium will give you a fairly vague message. I’ve stated many times that at least half of the members at Spiritualist meetings and Churches have no interest in Spiritualism, only the messages that they think they might get. Now, I’m not condemning them in any way. Contact is a valid part of any Spiritualist meeting, in any form. But, unless you embrace all of the “ism”, then you should not be described as a Spiritualist. And if you’re only going to listen to certain mediums, then likewise. But there is something that is even more sinister, and that is how some mediums, and indeed Churches, seem to actually cultivate the idea that some mediums are worthy of worship.Some “names” seem to be pushed and publicised far more actively than others, and some of these mediums seem to revel in this. I can’t see how this is right, or even Spiritualist.

My understanding is that it’s the word from Spirit, in its varied forms, that is important, not the collection of flesh and bones that is the messenger.

I think that we all need to remind ourselves of that.

As always, please think about it, and make your own mind up.

Until next time, Love and Light.


Hello again.

I hear this all too often, and read it too. And it shows some basic flaws when someone says it.

Let me explain. As always, house rules are that you should think about everything, and make your mind up. Principle 5.

If you have an interest, knowledge, intuition, whatever you want to call it, in the Spirit World, then there are some basics that need to be accepted. Mainly because the belief doesn’t make any sense at all if you don’t, but also because it’s logical and Natural Law demands it.

Thinking in any depth about the statement should show the flaws in sharp contrast. Let me give you some points to think about.

Any belief in Spirit has to come by  experience. if you have not experienced the way Spirit works, then you have no basis at all to know or believe in it. And I’m not taking about “Media Mediums”, or going to pub “Psychic nights”. They are really for entertainment only, and if any contact is made ( it usually isn’t), then it’s a very light touch and can only give general details which mean something to everyone gathered there.

Going to a Church, or speaking to someone who is a Medium ( a genuine one, not a Psychic) should give you more of an experience, but it’s still too general.

Private Circles, and private sittings with genuine Mediums will give you a genuinely personal experience. But there’s other ways. Let me give a bit of Philosophy.

Nature is huge. It involves everything. It’s so huge that it’s impossible to know everything, and Human science accepts that there are huge holes in our understanding of  Nature. Incidentally, it is said that the last person to know everything that there was to know was Aristotle, and some believe he was very spiritually aware.

It’s my perception that far from being ” Supernatural”, the world of Spirit is actually part of Nature. It’s a part of Nature that Man does not fully understand yet, but people are coming to understand that is exactly what it is. We are such people.

If you accept this, then the world of Spirit is not ” another place” at all, but very much part of our Nature. The evidence that Natural law applies to us and Spirit seems to bear this out.

So here’s the biggie. If you have come to the logical conclusion that Human Nature and Spirit Nature are areas of the same thing then, logically, the Spirits of those Humans that have passed are not ” dead” at all, but very much alive.

When I work as a Medium, the people I talk to are very much alive. And I’d argue that they are more alive than I am.

It follows that the mediums and psychics who state that they talk to dead people have no basic understanding. Therefore they cannot be Mediums, as Mediums have the understanding that they have learned from Spirit, and Spirit means life, not death. You cannot die. You are energy. Energy can change, as it does when you pass to Spirit. but it cannot be destroyed, so death is a lie.This knowledge can only come from Spirit, and Humans cannot teach this to you.

Even science cannot account for the 21 grammes*. But as those who know Spirit can logically explain it. the sad thing is that far too many people refuse to accept it.

Friends. Please share your knowledge.

Go out and defeat some of the lies by logical argument. Natural law demands it.

Until the next time, Love and Light.


* 21 grammes is the difference between a human at the point of physical death, and immediately after it. It is accepted by some to be the weight of the Human Soul. You should make your own mind up.

And do you know the difference…………………….If not, then you’re not alone.

Hello again.

The last few weeks have been testing for me and my Family, as we had a bereavement to deal with over the holiday period. Those who say that spiritualists don’t grieve are way off the mark.

Anyway, I thought I’d cover something that seems to create a lot of confusion within the rank and file, and really needs to be clearer than it appears to be at the moment.

It’s often seen on advertising, and even at some Churches, that the ” Psychic Medium”  xxxxxxx will be speaking at somewhere, and T.V. programmes, Books and Magazines are full of  “Psychic Mediums”, and as for Facebook – well, I’m not even going there.

Can you be Psychic and Medium at the same time, and what do the terms mean?

Many years ago, I was in a particularly good Circle, and we established very strong ties with a Circle in Spirit. It was a time of quality contact, and gave those of us in the Circle a fantastic insight into what Spiritualism actually is. I was blessed to sit in a small circle with Mediums who were truly worthy of the term, and although the Circle rarely meets now, when we do, it’s like we never spent any time apart.

Anyway, some of the basic things I learned were as follows.

Never call yourself a Medium. That is for others to do, once you have proved to them that you have the gift of evidential contact.

Live by Natural Law. There is no other way.

You are given this Earthly life to live on Earth. You get your chance to live a life in Spirit soon enough, so don’t waste the chance to make a difference on this plane.

And possibly the most important thing was that we are all Psychic beings, as are all animals. Humans are higher animals, but animals all the same. To be psychic is natural. And to work psychically is to work with the energy of your own aura.

Things that you can do with your own psychic energy are many and varied. They include:-

Psychometry –  the study of the history of objects by reading the energies that are left within them.

Numerology –  the study of how your own numbers, such as your date of birth, or the numeric translation of your name affects your personality.

Astrology –  the study of your oneness with the Universe.

Reiki Healing, Auric Reading, Wax scrying..the list goes on.

Now, I’m not suggesting that your pets can do Numerology, but they can often predict climatic conditions and can react to things before they happen. Nor am I suggesting that working Psychically is of less value. You just need to be honest about what you’re doing.

None of these skills need direct input from Spirit. You can learn and develop these skills either by practice on you own or within groups of like-minded individuals. You use your own energy for these, which may be topped up from Nature once the task is completed. Often, the deliverer will become tired during delivering these services, as they rely on their own Auric energy.

Mediumistic gifts, or Spirit gifts are another thing altogether. Not everyone has them. You have to be given them by Spirit, and very often you have little say in which gifts you are given. You may be a Communication Medium, a Healing Medium, a Pictorial Medium, ( or Spirit Artist, as they are sometimes called) or the often ingnored and overlooked member of the team, the  Philosophy Medium.

These gifts are given by Spirit, and require Guidance from Spirit to achieve. In all of the above, you make contact with Spirit, and the energies are from Spirit. Often, a Medium will feel refreshed and invigorated after serving Spirit, as the Higher Energies from Spirit have channelled through them, and they pick up some of it as it passes through them.

So, if someone has stated that they are tired when they have been working in what they state has been Mediumistic work, then the chance are that they have actually been reading Auras, and therefore been working Psychically, rather than Spiritually. Pshycic readings are often given away when the reader tells the sitter what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. A reading without evidence, and containing generalisation, is often Psychic in nature, rather than the result of Spirit contact.

That’s not to say that working Psychically can’t give you a stepping stone to Mediumistic work when you have a poor contact. It can, but if a medium uses this tool too often it’s a bad sign, and it shows a lazy and undisciplined  attitude, as well as being a sign of poor development.

As I always say, I want you to think about this, and make your own mind up. Take what you can, and leave what you can’t. Your relationship with Spirit is unique, and it is for no Human to say that you are wrong.

Have a Happy and prosperous New Year.

Until the next time,

Love and Light.


Hello again,

I admit it, I nicked this from the works of DNA ( Douglas Noel Adams – The author of “The Hitch-Hikers guide to the Galaxy). I have been looking for an excuse to use it for a while. Expect more of the same in the future, along with some ” Pratchettisms”. I have always believed that you can make serious points more valid but the use of humour, as the point seems to stick more.

Let me start by being honest. I’m a secular spiritualist. I believe that spiritualism is not a religion, and should never be presented as such. It limits the “ism” far too much. It imposes Human values to a thing that should be above them. It imposes understandings that individuals should have the freedom to form for themselves.

Let me expand on that for a minute or two.

Let me follow the usual theories on the nature of God. The Supreme Being. Creator of Everything.The focus of our worship.

This is where I have my most fundamental problems. Supreme Being ? If we subscribe to this, we’re in trouble right away. If we make God into a Being, however supreme, then we are also giving God limits. A being has limits. I can see why people insist on this, as most people are not able to imagine God as anything else. Many religions are also keen to perpetuate this, as it’s easier to explain. But, nevertheless, making God into a being puts Human limits to God. And that can’t be right.

Creator of everything. Undoubtedly. God, in whichever way you see your God, should indeed be seen as the Creator of all things. Taking a Scientific approach, it soon becomes apparent that no substance known can explain its own existence. Sure, all things and substances ultimately are rooted in Hydrogen, and will ultimately go back to Hydrogen ( remember the post a while back – Thermodynamics). But where did the Hydrogen come from, and where did the matter in the Big Bang come from? God is indeed all-powerful and creates everything. So why does such a powerful God need to be worshiped. It isn’t logical. God doesn’t need to be worshipped, just acknowledged.  And I do, with all of my heart.

And that brings me on to my next point.

Some people spend their whole lives trying to find God, and never seem to find what they look for. Could this be because they look in the wrong place.

I have always felt that we are all connected with God and by God. God to me is not one being or entity. God is a collective which we all, and I mean ALL, have a part of. It is not possible to look outside of yourself to see God. You need to be looking inside.

If you really want to see God, then look in the mirror.


Until the next time,


Love and Light.





Hello again,


I’ve been away for a while. I’ve been doing what my American friends term ” Getting my shit together”. I’ve had some testing times recently, and didn’t think it was a good thing to be writing until I’d done it.

Anyway, the next Mediumistic  tool I want to look at is Knowledge, and it appears to be the one which is most lacking in those who think themselves to be mediums, rather than who actually are Mediums.

You’ll note the us of both upper and lower case letter M. I use this to distinguish those that have the ability those that clearly don’t.

I don’t judge. if any person wishes to claim to have the gift, then I don’t make judgements. They do that themselves in the fullness of time. And you can argue until the cows come home whether Mediums are born, or can be trained. The thing for me that sets Mediums apart from mediums is knowledge.

In order to work effectively for Spirit, you have to know several things.

How to meditate effectively. If you can’t then it’s a lot more difficult to make contact.

Spiritual History. You can’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve come from.

How to communicate. with both Spirit beings, and those on Earth. It’s no good having a great link, if your sitter can’t make sense of it.

How to resist temptation. All Mediums have the temptation to make things fit from time to time. Only mediums succumb to it. ( there’s that lower case “m” again 😉 ).

How to enjoy your gift. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, then you won’t want to continue doing it.

Don’t forget the Philosophy. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been to meetings, and the “philosophy” has been little more than what the speaker has done during the week. If you get the chance to see Nuala Haddock, Rob Clayton, Robert Goodwin or James Davies then you’ll see what I mean. “Media Mediums” are notoriously bad at this. I’m not talking about philosophy in any “religious” sense, but the type that comes from  Spirit.

These are, for me, the main ones. You’ll no doubt have others.

Mediumship is not easy. It is sometimes more of a curse than a gift, as it’s not about giving the message the sitter wants, it’s about giving the message that the sitter needs. And it’s not about giving advice or instructions either. Knowledge will tell you that.

I hope I’ve given you something to think about again. As always, your comments are welcome.


Until the next time.


Love and light.






Hello again,

I think that, in order to be in tune with universality, you need to be positive. The bad things that happen to you have a positive slant. Even if this is just that you are given the opportunity to overcome whatever negative actions you are given.

Life is not always pink and fluffy. If it was, what would we learn?

You can only rise to challenges if you have challenges to rise to.

You can only learn from the experiences that you have.

How often do you see people both in life, and on networking sites, saying that they are going to remove negative people from their life, and surround themselves with positive people.

Sounds OK in theory, but what about the practicalities?

Firstly, does anyone know enough people in order to do it, and even if they did, what purpose would it serve?

If you accept that there is too much negativity in the world, and most people would accept this to be true, then how will isolating them change anything?

I’d say that in order to try to swing the balance, it’s more important to keep these negative people in your life. Being positive is infectious. So keep negative people near you, and try to change them. Don’t cast them aside. They matter. All people matter.

Aside from this, you must have negativity around you. It’s Natural Law. You need balance. Like it or not, you need negativity as much as you need positivity.

If you didn’t have rain then you wouldn’t have flowers.

Light needs to illuminate darkness, otherwise the darkness will win.

Think about it.

Until next time,

Love and Light,



Hello again,


What every Spiritualist needs by the bucketload. Passion is infectious, and if you have it then you can’t help pass it on.

It’s like laughter. If you start laughing, then others near you will soon be laughing with you. Try it.

But where does passion come from, and what exactly is it.

Well, there is the intimate definition, which I think everyone understands. There are also other definitions as follows:-

Strong and barely controllable emotion.

A state or outburst of such emotion.
An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.
A thing arousing enthusiasm.
The suffering and death of Jesus, a narrative of this from any of the Gospels, or a musical setting of these Narratives.
Not an exhaustive list, but I think it covers most things.
So why do Spiritualists need Passion?
Passion is something that you can’t be half-hearted about.
You either do it, or you don’t. Just like when you serve Spirit.
It’s the passion that you have for Spirit that keeps you going when people arround you tell you that you are deluded, and ridicule what you are doing.
It’s the passion that you have that gives you the strength to stand up for what you know is right.
It’s the passion that you have which shines a light in the darkness.
It’s the passion that you have within that brings you closer to your God.
It’s the passion in you which makes you what you are.
I don’t think that it’s too important to tie yourself down to any particular way or mechanics of how you serve Spirit. That’s why you get guidance from both sides of the veil.
All that’s  needed to start you off is a passion for it.
Some fire in your belly.
Total commitment and purity of intention are also important, but without passion they are useless.
Examine yourself.
You need passion. If you don’t have it, then ask yourself why.
Perhaps you need to take a step away from what you are doing, and then come back to it.Usually this means that you come back to it with a fresh outlook, and the passion required to do the job properly. We all get jaded from time to time.
It’s a Human thing, and there is no shame in being Human.
Whatever you do, have a passion for it. Otherwise why do it?
Until the next time.
Love and Light,

Truly Universal?

Hello again,

So, let’s do another Science one, as Spiritualism is based on science, and then I’ll leave the science stuff alone for a bit.

There’s a well trodden path in science which is called “The Big Bang” theory. The trouble is, if you examine it doesn’t make sense. Even if you apply accepted laws of science, the theory falls apart.

It goes like this.

All matter and energy in the universe was once in one place, packed so close together that there wasn’t any space between the atoms. come to think about it, there wasn’t any space between to atomic components within the atoms. This super compact, almost pinpoint contained all of the matter and energy we have in the universe today, and the forces within this were so great that the whole thing exploded. The result of this was that all matter and energy was flung out, and as a result of this Big Bang we now live in an ever-expanding Universe as we know it today.

As I said, great theory. But full of holes.

If you accept this, then you must therefore accept that the Universe is finite, has boundaries, and there is something outside the Universe.

Think about it.

If all matter and energy were gathered in one place, and has been expanding since a point of time in the distant past, then there must still be a boundary even now.

So what is outside?

Also, if all matter and energy  gathered together in one place, then it must have come from somewhere. Science says that energy cannot be destroyed or created, just changed. So it must have come from somewhere.

Another thing to consider is that the force required to generate the explosion is also finite. If you throw a ball, then it doesn’t just keep going. It will have gravity and other natural forces acting on it, and it will respond to it. Gravity will eventually bring all things within a closed Universe to rest, and then it will make all the lumps and particles in that universe together until they are all in one place. And if you accept Newtonian and Thermodynamic Laws, indeed, Natural Laws, then everything has to be reduced to its most basic form. The most basic form of matter is Hydrogen, and the most simple of energies is Potential energy. So we end up with a physical universe that has expanded as much as it can, is as close to absolute zero as it’s possible to get, and nothing is moving. Then the process of collapse starts, and we get to a dense area where all matter and energy is, so a Big Bang can happen again.

So, the Big Bang may be a scientifically acceptable theory, but it’s not a “one-off”. It has to be cyclic and a continuous process, repeating its cycle time and time again.

And if the universe is finite, as the Big Bang suggests then there has to be both an inside (Where we are), and an outside ( your guess is as good as mine)…..

An even science states that there are multiple Universes, which co-exist in the same physical space. I don’t know why they had to spend so much time and effort working this one out. All they had to do was ask a Spiritualist ! (Or someone with Spirit connection, for those non-Spiritualists out there).

There was once a Science fiction story I read when I was younger, where a deep space mission was sent from Earth to find the boundary of the known Universe. Cutting a long story short, they eventually found the boundary and did indeed cross it. And when they looked back, they saw God.

I wonder what is really out there?

So, that’s the point where I say I’m not giving any answers, only more questions for you to think about.

And I haven’t even come close to mentioning P5. There’s a first.

I’m going to be looking at the things that I feel a Spiritual person needs over the next few blogs, so please feel free to chip in with comments and suggestions.

Until next time,

Love and light.



Hello again.


Now, as the last post was a bit on the “Heavy” side, I thought I’d give you a bit of time to digest it. Thanks for the comments – They’re always welcome.

So, what does the title means?

Depends, really. I’ve heard it put as Keep It Short and Simple, but I was told at school ( more years ago than I will admit to ) that it’s Keep It Simple, Stupid. Anyway, I thought I’d re-visit the importance of simplicity in an effective spiritualist life.

Let’s start with an example.

There are several way to get from Leicester to Birmingham ( I’m talking U.K. here, for the benefit of my colonial readers ). you could go down the A5, which is a direct route, or you could go on the Motorway ( Faster, but not as direct).Either choice takes about an hour or so.  Or you could go via Glasgow. It’s a valid route, but several hundred miles longer, and takes ages. Simplicity, and common sense dictates the preferred route.

Life’s like that. Common sense and good guidance says take the simplest route. So why do most of us insist on making things difficult for ourselves. We know that the most direct and simplest way is usually preferable, but we make life difficult for ourselves.

Why do we insist on giving people instruction, when they are only asking for advice? And then get upset when they don’t do as we tell them. Why should they. It’s their life, after all, not ours. We cannot possibly know the full story of their lives, as we don’t live them. They do. It’s their choice. ALL TOGETHER NOW….. Principle 5.

You knew it was coming…..

We cannot control the actions of others, just as we cannot be controlled without consent.

So what about simplicity.

Being simplistic is a lot easier, and a lot harder than you think. Paradox? Not really. Think about it. i9 know a few people who feel that they need to make the most simple of tasks as complicated as possible, as they feel that it gives them some sort of  “Expert”  value. Almost as if Knowledge Is Power, as the saying goes. They also seem to be the most miserable and lonely people. I’m sure it’s because of this desire to overcomplicate things.

Who is it that makes your life complicated?

Not your friends.

Not your family.

Not your neighbours.

And certainly not God ( in whatever form you wish).


You have the ultimate control. You can make or break yourself.

Let me explain. For those of you that have been into Spiritualism or Reiki for a while, this will be second nature, as indeed it will be to Buddhists and Rastafarians.

Just for today….Do not Anger.

Anger is something that only you can carry. Come to terms with your Anger, and stop carrying it. If you don’t , then it will ultimately destroy you. But live in the “Now”, and take one day, One Minute, One second at a time.


….Do not worry.

Worry only does two things. Gives you Grey hair, and ulcers. I can’t get Grey hair, as I have none. But I can get ulcers, and don’t want them. Worrying about things that have happened is pointless. They’ve happened and you can’t control them, so just chill.

Worrying about things in the future is equally pointless, as there are so many variables that you cannot possibly predict what is going to happen with any degree of accuracy. So there is no point to worrying about them. Again, you have no control, so don’t worry.

… Be Grateful.

It’s a pretty safe bet that anyone reading this is well within the top 1% of the world’s population. We have more security, wealth and general health than the vast majority of our fellow Humans. We can got to bed at night feeling secure and we don’t go to bed hungry. We can get clean, safe water by turning on a tap ( faucet…………….I’m ahead of you). Be Greatful. And more than that, please do your best to help the rest of the world to achieve our standard.

…Be honest.

With others, but mainly with yourself. You cannot be straight with others until you’re honest with yourself.

…Be kind.

To yourself, to others, and to Nature.


So, if you allow the complications of life, such as the desire for property that you don’t need, Wanting fine clothes for your body, while ignoring you Spiritual needs. Being the great “I am”, and wishing hero-worship from others. Or just plain greed, then you are working against yourself, and will never achieve self-worth.

Keeping it simple means that you are not distracted. it means that you will always be able to trace your steps when you fail – and you will fail from time to time, it’s part of Nature. If you don’t fail from time to time, then you never learn things.

So, please. K.I.S.S. yourself, and make sure that you K.I.S.S. others at every possible opportunity.

Until next time,

Love and Light.






Balance ?

Hello again,

Now, how many times do you hear people say that if you find yourself surrounded by negative people, then get rid of them and surround yourself with “Positive People”.

Sorry, but this doesn’t fit in with Natural Law. You need a bit of negativity in order to keep the balance. And balance is the name of the game.

It’s true that there may be people who are toxic to you, but this is not the same thing. Of course this does need to be removed, as it’s harmful to you.

But if you just remove negativity from your life, then how are you ever going to learn how to deal with it?

You need to develop, and in order to do that, you need to learn to deal with everything that life throws at you. If you just have the good without the bad, then balance – and Natural Law –  flies out of the window.

There is, in Natural Law, an over-riding need for balance.

This is means that for every action, there is a consequence. Nothing happens in isolation. There has to be interaction in all things. It’s what some people call Yin and Yang, others call it Work – Life balance, or The Rules of Nature. Call it what you will, there’s no escaping it.

It governs everything we do, like it or not.

And it can be proved scientifically.

There was this fellow who lived from Christmas Day in 1642, and  he was promoted to Spirit on 20th March 1727. One of his more useful inventions was the Cat Flap, and he was one of the greatest thinkers and scientific minds of his age. Without one of his theories, Cider would not be possible.

I am, of course, referring to Sir Isaac Newton.

He was also described as an “Unorthodox Christian”, but there is very real speculation that he was what we would now call ” A Spiritualist”, and some people are convinced that he would have met, or may have known well, Emanuel Swedenborg. They certainly walked the Earth Plane at the same time, so who knows, as they were certainly two of the greatest minds of their time, and the shock waves of their existence are still being felt today.

Anyway, back to Newton. He came up with several theories. most of which he was able to prove. The ones I want to focus on now is part of his Laws of Motion. I’ll try to make use of modern language in order to make the laws more understandable.

First Law.

Things that are at rest, or in constant motion, don’t change direction or speed unless a force acts upon them.

OK, so most people limit this law to physical objects. But don’t forget that Newton was a Philosopher. He would also feel that this equally applies to Peoples outlook and spirituality. And how true is it that if a person has deeply held views that they don’t change unless an overwhelmingly forceful piece of evidence, or a powerful argument, based on fact, is put before them. Most people also need to have the germ of an idea to be put to them ( The force, if you like) before they start to move in the first place. Makes sense when you think about it, doesn’t it.

Second Law.

A force applied to something equals the rate of change of its momentum over time.

Again, if this is limited to a purely physical body, then it means that if you push something, it moves in the direction that you push it in, and it’s speed is in proportion with the firmness of the push and length of time it’s pushed for. Again, lets apply this to outlooks, beliefs, and philosophy. There you are, going your own sweet way, and with your own set of beliefs. Then someone comes along with a radically new idea. Initially you might not change direction, but if the force of the new belief is strong enough and carried on for long enough then there’s a chance that your own beliefs will change. It’s the ” water on the stone” scenario. The persistence of the water drops will eventually dissolve the stone. ( and I mention this because the German for “a stone” is…………. well, I’m sure you’re well ahead of me. I’ll deal with him later!!).

Third Law.

Any force applied to something generates an equal and opposite reaction.

The easiest of the three to apply to todays blog. Everything that you do, say or think about has a consequence. Do not expect the message that you think that you are giving out is always the message which others hear. You also need to have balance. To me, this is the scientific proof that Natural Law exists.

So there is the Newtonian Laws, and my interpretation of how the fit in with Spiritualism specifically, and Life in general.

Now let me move on to “The Stone” I mentioned a few minutes ago.

If you haven’t worked it out yet, the German for ” a Stone” is…..Ein stein. And it was, of course Einstein who modified the Laws of Newton. He also was a Philosopher, and was a great friend of Bertrand Russell. He is well-known for his Theory of Relativity, but also his work with Thermodynamics. Surprisingly enough, these Laws of Thermodynamics also have relevance to Spiritualism.

So here we go.

More complicated than Newtons Laws ( and also because there is 4, not 3 – a “zeroth” law was added to the already existing three – I know………….as if they weren’t complicated enough ). So let me try to get the gist of at least the Second Law in one comment.

“Entropy increases”. Or in simpler terms……..The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And isn’t that the core of  Natural Law.

Everything has to be in balance at all times. No one thing or thought is made in isolation. They all affect everything else. What goes around comes around.

Put it how you like.

I hope that, once again, I’ve given you something to think about.

Love and Light.


Hello again,


Sorry it’s been a while, but I’ve had Family stuff to sort out. Anyway – Normal service resumes now.

It’s been said many times that a life without meaning is no life at all. Well, that may or may not be true, but just how do we make our lives have meaning?

To me, life needs to be shared. It’s a bit of an old chestnut, but the saying that ” No Man is an island”  is very true.  (OK I accept that in this day and age it should include Women as well – it’s an old saying, which I think comes originally from the Christian Bible ). Humans need to engage with others in order to feel fulfilled. We are social beings as well as Spiritual ones.

So how do we do that?

To me, it’s a simple thing which is hard to do. Like most things, the simplest things are actually the hardest to do.

We need to look hard at ourselves. Get to know ourselves inside and out. Really look at what our core values are and what really makes us the people that we are. When we’ve done this, and we really know what makes us tick, we can go to the next stage.

Don’t use our own values in order to judge others. Let them be who they are, and reach out to then because of it, rather than avoiding them because they’re not like us.

It’s been said, and I’ve said it myself, that we all have far more in common with each other than differences. So why focus on the minority. Celebrate the majority.

Think about what goes on in your life. If we did the same things day in day out. Ate the same food. Read the same books. Watched the same TV day after day. Just how bored would be become.

Yet we surround ourselves with people who have the same values, some social standing, and same backgrounds as ourselves, and think that it’s OK.

I have an interest in “Diversity”. I’ve always found the subject fascinating. To learn about different cultures, lifestyles and beliefs is one of the best things I’ve done. But there’s one thing that I can’t accept. I often hear the phrase ” I’m not a Racist” – usually followed by “but…..” Of course we are. We all are.

We naturally gravitate towards people who share our values, outlook, and upbringing. As yes, Culture too. that is by its very definition, Racism.

The trick is to know and to accept this. And do something about it.

Like I said. Know yourself, and then you have a chance to get to know others.

Personally, I have found that my life has been enriched by doing things that are unusual. In the mid 90’s I got the chance to go to Bosnia, Croatia and Albania. The area was the scene of severe civil unrest, and “Common Sense” said leave well alone, let someone else do it.

So I went.

I saw things that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies, but it taught me valuable lessons. Humans do what they have to do under extreme circumstances, so try to understand them even if you don’t like what’s happening. It’s the ” walk in my shoes” syndrome. It doesn’t necessarily make them bad people, just desperate. I was lucky enough to be in Albania long enough to see the people turn the corner, and I have to say that I carry the people of Albania in my heart to this day.

In my current job, I see many Albanians who have chosen to settle in this country and I love talking about the country. And if I get to chat to someone who is from the area that I lived in,  we end up chatting for ages.

But there is another point.

Our influence can be very negative. I’ll give you a simple example. Albanian body language can be difficult to interpret when you have Western European values. The problem is greatest with a simple Yes or No.

Let me explain.

The vast majority of Western culture you nod your head for Yes, and shake your head for No. In Albania, it’s the other way round, and caused me a great deal of problems, not to say embarrassment on a few occasions.

Or at least it used to be that way.

Because of the outside influence, this is no longer the case. They now nod for yes, and shake for no, just like everyone else. And in doing so, they have lost a significant part of their culture due to our well-meaning interference. It’s sad. And it’s not just Albania.

A few years ago, I went to Copenhagen. All of the advertising hoardings were in English, and the reason for it was that they need to trade with English-speaking countries. Danish youths are now speaking Danish “with an American accent” according to one of my friends there.

We need to be careful when extending the hand of friendship. We must not impose our values on others. Let them be different. It’s what make life interesting and meaningful.

Accept people for what they are, not what you want them to be.

Help people in the way that they need to be helped, not in the way that you’re prepared to help them. Doing that is no help at all.

Celebrate differences.

Never forget that we are all minorities of one.

Until the next time.

Love and Light.


Hello again,

As Spiritualists, we believe in many things.

While we have no Dogma, we have deeply held beliefs which are at the core of every one of us.

We also believe that we have one, eternal, life.

But what does “Life” actually mean.

Let me start by stating exactly where I stand in the Spiritualist movement. Those that know me well have probably guessed that I believe that we each have a unique and personal relationship with the world of Spirit. There are those within the movement who see it as a religion, and some who see it as pure science. Many of us have definite ideas, which are unshakeable. Others are open to anything and everything, without logically analysing when has happened. Some of us have knowledge which is backed up by logical progression. All of these processes are as valid as each other. That’s what makes the “ism”.

The extremes are about as opposite as they can be, and rightly so. There’s room for everyone and as far as I can see, you’re all welcome in the movement.

I sit at the secular end of the spectrum. I have a scientific background and think that everything has proof which can be demonstrated if you look hard enough. If there was a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being piously religious, and 10 being totally secular, then I’m a good 9 to 9 1/2 on the scale ( some would say I’m an 11 !). But that does not mean that I’m anything other than serious and devoted to Spiritualism and serving the world of Spirit. In fact, I’d say that because I don’t have the preconceptions that Religion brings, then I appreciate the “ism” more, as I don’t carry baggage, or believe what I think that I’m supposed to.

I’m a free-thinker – that’s why I’m a Spiritualist.

So, let’s get back to the big question. What is life, exactly.

If you look at pure biology, as our Humanist friends do, then its dead simple. The thing which we call life is nothing but the result of biochemical reactions, happening at a cellular level. This process ends when the cells die, and then we return to our chemical make-up by the process of decomposition. There is no consciousness, or emotion, because this is purely a by-product of basic chemical reactions. After death, there is nothing. How depressing, but they are as entitled to their beliefs as we are.

OK, so if that is not acceptable to you, then what is?

I’ve always said, and hope to continue, that I don’t give answers. I give thinking points. I hope that you can find the time to think about this one, as it’s the most important thing you’ll consider. if you have no meaning to your life, then it’s a long haul.

I cannot see things from your point of view, as much as I would like to. So here’s my angle.

Life is eternal, and progresses through many levels. BUT, the most fundamental consideration is that we cannot do it on our own. We need the interaction of other souls. We also need to have a mixture of values. We need friends, family, lovers, all sorts. We also need a negative side, because without it there is no Natural Law. Just as Bio-chemical life has nutrients and waste product, we need enemies as much as we need friends. The people who you get on with are vital, but you also need dissenting voices to make you think about yourself.

Sometimes those dissenting voices are right.

A moment ago I was talking about Humanists.

I think that they are almost right. They say we have one life – and as far as I see it, they’re almost right.

We do have one life, but…………..

What they miss is the fact that Life is eternal. There is another side, and time and time again we have evidence of this.

No – I’m not talking about Mediums, although the work of Mediums cannot be underestimated.

Science proves it.

Any Theoretical Physicist worth their salt tells you one thing. There just isn’t enough “stuff” in the Universe.

Taking a hard-core purely scientific look at life, the universe and everything ( yes, I’m a H2G2 fan, so couldn’t let that phrase pass ), there is a huge gap between what SHOULD be there for the universe to work as it does, and what IS there. There’s an energy deficit, and a big one at that.

Now, as Spiritualists, we know where the missing ” stuff” is. And I suspect that the world of science does too, but is too afraid to admit it.

Silver Birch, White Feather, and other Guides have given us irrefutable evidence that there are other levels which inhabit the same Universe as us. Silver Birch stated several times that the next level  we go to when we pass is so similar to this one that it’s all to easy to pass and not realise it. And the next level on is also similar. And so it goes, level on level slowly changing.

Energy on Energy.

In the same physical space as our Universe.

Spirit move within our space. Spirit is energy in a pure form. It is reasonable to state that, as their energy is within our space then this logically makes up the “stuff shortfall”. Think about it.

It’s not just the world of Science that has trouble facing up to the truth. It’s an exceptionally poorly kept secret that The Pope has Mediums in some forms, and the Church Of England has studied Spiritualism in detail in the 1920’s and were so blown away by the report that it’s still banned ( even though we know it exists).

So what is life.

To me, life is the interaction that we all have with each other. We are all connected. The same sun warms us all, and each of us depend on each other. This includes people  in Spirit. Physical distance and cultural difference is irrelevant. We are all Family, and the energy some call God is the supreme creative force. Our life is Energy, and Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Only changed.




Until the next time.

Love and Light,



So why bother ?

Hello again,

There’s a few ripples going on in the UK at the moment about Mediumship, should Mediums be allowed to charge, and if Mediumship is valid or just mumbo jumbo. Those of us who have a few mediumship miles on the clock will have heard it all before, but it did give me the idea for todays blog.

Just why on earth should we bother?

Spiritualism is like Marmite ( Vegemite in Aussie,  I don’t know the equivalent in the U.S. , but suffice to say it’s a yeast based spread, made from the byproducts of the brewing industry), in that there not many people who are neutral about it. You either love it or you hate it. When people find out you’re a Spiritualist, they are either fascinated, or you never see them again. I can never work that out. Mind you, When I was a Nurse I didn’t like telling people what I did, as they wanted me to explain every ache and pain they had. I then started telling people I was a bread delivery man ( this worked brilliantly – until there was a bakery strike !!).

Lets face it. Being a Spiritualist is difficult. People either think you’ve got all the answers from Spirit, or you’re a complete and utter nutcase. It gets worse when you are a Medium. People without our knowledge think that you are either trying to rip off the vulnerable or you are self-deluded. Those that charge a small fortune for ” cold reading” do us a disservice. There’s nothing we can do about them, as we are not responsible for their actions, only our own.

And that’s a good reason for bothering to do what we do.

For every negative action, Natural Law requires a positive one. So it is vitally important that those of us who take Spiritualism seriously should balance this with enthusiasm and positivity.

Those of us for whom the world of Spirit is a real, natural, world.

Those of us who see Spiritualism for what it is, rather than a mere form of entertainment.

We need to show our understanding and lead by example. It’s a requirement to have purity of action and thought. Especially those that demonstrate our link with Spirit, be it through Mediumship, Healing, Artistry, Writings, whatever Spirit use us for. We need to be seen to be honest, decent, truthful and acting in the highest integrity. We need to be seen to make a difference in this world. It’s why we’re here.

This is what is meant by “Image is everything”. Not how glossy your posters are, or how modern your logo is.

Professionalism is not about being paid for doing a job.  Those who make no charge for a service should also be professional in their delivery.It’s about how you deliver a service to people.

So please please please. BE BOTHERED.

It’s important. And not to be bothered is to do yourself a great deal of harm.

All together now…………….PRINCIPLE 5 !!!!

To paraphrase President Kennedy, Spiritualism is not worthwhile because it is easy, but because it is hard.

Until the next time,

Love and Light


Hello again.

Before I start today, there’s a couple of things I want you to be aware of.

Some people are having a bit of a layout problem.

On some browsers it appears that my blogs are all in a long list on one page. If you have difficulty in reading and navigating with this layout, then go to the blog heading (“Taking the best bits”, in this case), and left click on it. You should then get one blog entry per sub page, with the titles of the previous blog on the top left, and the title to the next blog on the top right. Just click on either in order to read them.

Secondly, some have said that they want to make a comment, but don’t want to be published. Easy, this one. Just say in the comment if you don’t want to be published, and I’ll reply to you without publishing. If anyone who has already sent me a comment and want it removed, just let me know and I’ll remove it. All comments are welcome as they help me to improve the blog.

So what do I mean by the title of todays blog. Well, I have always said to people that if you see one thing, you get one perspective. If you see more than one thing, then you get more than one perspective. You’re then in a position to look at what you want to take, and leave what you don’t.

How does that work in Spiritualism.

Look at Churches. If you continue to go to one Church, then the bonus to this is that you become part of the community within that Church. You gain friends. You belong. The downside is that you only see one way of doing things, with a set way of approaching thing. Which is OK, but you can do better.

If you have a look at  what other Churches are doing then you see other ways, other people, other values. You get to see a bigger picture, and you can decide what is for you.

That doesn’t imply that you are in any way disloyal to your main Church. In fact, it could be a great benefit to them, as you may find that you can take something back that improves what you already have. It certainly broadens your Spiritual knowledge, and that can only benefit your Church. Even if you only go to other Churches when you are on holiday, then there’s a benefit to be had. Plus, if you go to the local Church, then the local people there can give you the lowdown on places to visit – or avoid – so your stay could benefit too. It’s win win, as our colonial friends say.

But don’t let yourselves be limited to Churches. If there are local Open Circles near you, then drop in from time to time. There may be groups who meet in Village Halls and Community Centres – give them a try.I know that there are several cafes and coffee shops where you can have a break and have a reading, if you want one. have a go, you might like it.

There are also several Mediums that work in large halls and Theatres. Go and have a look at them. You probably won’t get a message, but you get to see a Medium working. Whatever you might think of these Mediums, there are things that can be learned from them. And yes, I accept that the things you will learn may not always be positive. I feel I need to come clean here and state that I have seen all of the “Celebrity” mediums, and they don’t do much for me. I’ve only been impressed by one. He’s American, and operates a “Seminar” rather than just doing contact. That’s not to say that the rest have no value, they just don’t do much for me.

And you don’t have to limit yourselves to those who share you knowledge. There are plenty of people who you see in everyday life who you can look at, and say to yourself  ” that’s a good thing, I’ll copy that”. If you take bits from here and there you eventually end up with something that is uniquely yours.

But don’t stop there. Life is continuous, and so is you development. If you want change, then remember what Ghandi said “Be the change that you wish to see in others”.

Until the next time.

Love and Light,


Hello again,

It’s often said, and quite rightly, that in order for Spiritualism to make any sense at all, you have to work with Nature, not against it.

I have a problem with some of the terms used within Spiritualism, but the one I have most issues with is ” Supernatural”. There is nothing supernatural about Spiritualism. It is as natural as breathing. It is part of nature, not above it, or bigger than it. It IS nature, and any attempt to treat it as anything other than that can only de-value it, and make it seem more complex than it actually is. And the key to Spirituality is …….. all together now…………… SIMPLICITY !!

So, in trying to make it something that it isn’t, a fair proportion of us put yet another barrier in the way of our progression. Blimey, us Humans don’t half like making work for ourselves, don’t we 🙂 .

So if we accept the truth that is Nature, then how do we go about harmonising all that is natural. I think the key words here are:-


Everything has to be in balance. It’s the only way Natural Law works. If you take, then give something else back. If you use the natural energies around you, then give some of it back. most people do this by meditating, which blends your energy with the energies near you.

Another way is organic farming and growing. You take the food that you need, and return compost and organic fertiliser back to the earth. Balance.


Take from Nature what you need, not what you want. If you get greedy, then the evidence of what happens is all around us. Take Coal Mining. In the days when only small amounts were mined, then the Earth allowed it without any reaction. As soon as the mines capacity was increased unnaturally, then the tunnels get bigger, you get rockfalls and subsidence, causing problems with buildings and dwellings, and Humans pay the price for getting out of balance with nature.

Another, perhaps more controversial, example is the increase in population. We are in an overpopulated world.

In the days of the hunter/gatherer some estimates stated that the Earth could comfortably support about 20 million people. Animal powered farming boosts that to about 1/2 billion, Deep sea fishing looks after another few million and if you use intensive farming and fishing, that gets upped to 5 Billion. We currently have getting on for 7 billion, and growing. The maths don’t balance, and we’re doing nothing about it. Nature will take matters into its own hands if we don’t find a solution.And I’ll bet anything that we won’t like it. The signs are already there, but we choose not to see them.  Spiritualism is not always fluffy, warm and pink. Sometimes it’s about doing things that are very, very difficult. And we need discipline to do them.


We need to have discipline. And that’s the hardest part of all. We all need more than we have. it’s the Human way. If your neighbour has something, you convince yourself that you must have bigger, newer, and better. We throw away things that we can re-use. I’ve stopped using small flowerpots and seed trays. I use yoghurt pots, and after they have fulfilled this use, they get recycled. I make sure that anything I have to buy is efficient, and needed rather than wanted. I used to be a real gadget freak, until I really thought of the impact of how wasteful I was being.

So I stopped.

And it hurt.

Big time.

I got used to it after a while, and now couldn’t go back to that way of life.

So, once again, I hope I’ve given you something to think about.

Live and Light.


Hello again,

Having been involved in Spiritualism for many years now, I often find that it doesn’t hurt to revisit this question from time to time. After all, Spiritualism is dynamic and, as I say often, entirely personal.

There are also some misconceptions, so I suppose a blog is as good a place as any to air my thoughts.

When I came to Spiritualism, there were – and probably still are – many misconceptions about what it actually is. Over the years I have heard it described as the worship of dead people, another form of Satanism, a group of highly suggestive people who delude each other, people who con the vulnerable our of their hard-earned cash,in fact you name it and I’ve heard it.

Well, there are sections of people who seek to be associated with Spiritualism for some of those reasons. And there is little doubt that all groups of whatever belief seem to attract a section of people who are less than honest about their motivation. Natural law and the higher planes will find them out, so true Spiritualists have nothing to fear from them in the long-term. It’s just a shame that they cast doubt on those of us who are genuine and open-hearted.

To me, Spiritualism is about simplicity. It’s about seeking the bigger picture, and ultimately its about pure intentions  and unconditional love. It’s also about having a huge amount of self-discipline.

You need the discipline because there are no hard and fast rules. OK, so there are the Principles be they S.N.U., or Findlayian, but these are Principles, not rules, and are for guidance, not obeyance. So it’s down to the individual to set their own course, and to steer that course in the way they feel is appropriate. It’s not easy. For me, it’s the main thing that shows that Spiritualism isn’t a religion, but a way of life. As we know that life is eternal, it’s a big thing, and a lot of self-knowledge is required.

Here’s something that may surprise you. Spiritualism isn’t about living the life in spirit. It’s about living the life you have on Earth.

Just pause a minute here to let that sink in.

So why am I convinced of that. Stay with me, I’ll do my best to explain.

Let’s go back to the fourth,Fifth and Sixth Principle (S.N.U.), and Principle 4, 5 and 6 ( Findlayian). They lay out personal Responsibility, and the progression of the Soul.

If you accept that the Soul progresses through its’ Eternal Life, and we progress onward via the change that we call Death, we need to also accept other things.

Firstly, it is exceptionally unlikely that this is the bottom rung of the ladder. We all came here from somewhere else. This explains so many things, not least of them being past life regression.

We also need to accept and embrace that we are on this plane in order to live this life. Not the next one, but this one. We need to make a difference while we are here, and then we progress eventually to the next level. The teachings of Silver Birch and others bear that out. They also tell us that the next immediate level is so similar to our plane that we will be amazed at how many things we can relate to.

People with the genuine gift of Mediumship and Healing are doing just that. They are bringing comfort to the troubled, and are bringing peace and love to this world, via contact with the next. They bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones, because they give evidence that they are OK, as still as much alive as they were when they walked among us.

Even those who , shall we say, have a distinct commercial interest in Spiritualism still give evidence of the stability and eternal nature of life. Those who just perform mediumship in large halls, and commercial settings do little for me personally but I accept that they have a place in the whole picture. I don’t pretend to understand them but will not criticise as it is not my place.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is that Spiritualism is what works for you. It’s not about worshiping the dead as no-one dies, they just change.

It’s not about worshiping God. God, in whatever form you acknowledge him, is all-powerful and all-embracing, so needs no worship, just recognition and respect. That’s not the same as worship.

Nor is it entirely about contact with those that have passed. Contact proves to you that there is progression. How many times to you need proof. If you’re in the position that you constantly need proof, then how willing are you to accept the proof, no matter how irrefutable that proof is?

Spiritualism for me is the knowledge that life is eternal, and that I have this life to live at this particular point in time. On this plane. To do my best, with the help of those I know to be in spirit, in spreading the knowledge I have. And in doing so to try to make this world a better, more equal, and more loving place.

And if that is how you see it too, then great.

Love and Light,


Hello all,

I’m often asked two things. Do animals have souls?, and Can they progress like Humans?

Lets have a go at answering. Once again, I remind you that these are my opinions, and I’d encourage you to think about things and form your own .  There are no right or wrong answers, and your relationship with Spirit is as individual as you are.

Lets take the first question.

Some religions teach that animals are lower forms of life, and therefore do not have souls. I believe that this was the convention within the Catholic Church until recently. I know that in the 1970’s I went to an R.C. school, and that was the convention in R.E. classes then, but it may have changed. Let’s look at it from the perspective of the world of Spirit.

The evidence that Silver Birch brings tells us that the Spirit world has many levels. The levels which are closest to the level we inhabit now have many similarities to where we are. So much so that it is entirely possible to pass into next level without realising it, it’s so similar.

This is bourne out as truth, as there are many Mediums who, like myself, do “rescue” work for people who find it difficult to accept that they have passed.

So it stands to reason and scrutiny that animal can indeed pass to at least the lower levels in Spirit, and may indeed be able to pass higher. And there is one truth that may be able to make this possible.


Love is the greatest of all truths, as far as I see it. And there is certainly a great deal of totally unconditional love that personal pets have for us.

How many times have you been at a low ebb, and have felt that you have no-one in the world who you can turn to. Then you feel the paw on your lap, a lick or a purr. Doesn’t the world seem better after that. You know it does!

The love is given freely, and without any expectation. They sense that you need them, and they are there for you. That is pure love.

Without love, then nothing else makes sense. It’s often said that God is love, and God makes all types of love, so if God decides to give animals the capacity to love how can they have no souls. Logically, if they are accepted to have souls, then these souls can surely progress in some form, and in some way, even if it’s not the same as Human progression.

So if they have some form of soul, and that soul can progress in some way, then could it be possible that they can heal.

Yes. And I know this to be true because I have first hand experience of it.

I have two dogs, and they can both heal.

As I said earlier, animals  and specifically pets, give us unconditional love. If they are in an environment which has a lot of love in it, then they will multiply that love. And love is the driving force of all Spirit works, particularly Healing.

I know that when I’m feeling in pain, or generally off colour,  Poppy (our Beagle) comes to sit between my feet. She never does this at any other time. Within a few moments, I feel a surge of warmth and love, which is the same as when I  receive Healing from Spirit in any other way. Lottie (our Patterdale) also has the gift, but to a lesser degree. I think she’s still coming to terms with her abilities.

My wife also benefits from the same Healing from both dogs. And it gets better.

One of my wifes relatives from a few generations ago was involved in an accident. His Collie was with him at the time and lay next to him in order to keep him warm while he waited to be rescued. Both are now in Spirit, but Megan (the Collie) regularly assists when someone in Spirit wants to communicate, but is shy. Megan helps them to relax and be easy in my company. This has helped me to pass messages many times, and I’m grateful to Megan for helping in this way. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has four-legged helpers.

Now let me tell you about Tom. Tom was our first Beagle, and was a real character. There is a family story about Tom and the time he ate three Christmas dinners – but that’s another story. The point is, he still feels connected to us, and he regularly comes to see us. And my current dogs also see him, and react as if he is still on this side of life. Contact is not just a Human thing. It happens when and where there is love.

Keep love in your heart and everything is possible.

Love and Light.



P.S. If you want to know about Toms Christmas dinners, send me a comment, and I’ll get back to you. 🙂

Hello friends,

Following on from the last blog posting, I thought I’d expand on why you should trust Spirit.

Please let me start with an experience I had. I’ve already explained that I’m a Healer and a Medium ( even though GMH always told – and still tells – me that you should never refer to yourself as a Medium. You should let your evidence speak for you and leave it to others to decide if you are ). If you’re new to the blog, then please feel free to read the other pages.

I had someone come to me for healing, complaining of shoulder pain. I did my best, but it wasn’t responding. They went to their GP, and they started to treat them for pain in the shoulder. Weeks went by, with slight improvement, but no trees were being ripped up. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the patient was a member of their companies health scheme, and was refered to a private clinic for a body scan. the result came back, and they had scarring on the Spleen, which presents as …………….shoulder pain !!! Now here’s the sucker punch. The Dr. at the private clinic said that the strange thing was that the condition was getting better, which was unusual for this condition to do so without fairly specialised treatment.

What I’m saying is that the GP was not healing the problem, but treating the symptoms. I was convinced that it was a shoulder problem, and was asking for healing in the shoulder area. The Doctors in Spirit saw the bigger picture, and overrulled my requests but started to heal the problem, as was evidenced from the scan.

So, there you have it.

It may be fine for you to see things from a Human perspective, with all the limits that this has, but for the truly inclusive perspective, you need to link to Spirit. Spirit is not confined to the Earthly dimension of space and time. And they can truly see that your actions and intentions have a reaction. It’s Natural Law, so you may quite innocently cause an imbalance by doing something without considering the full consequences of your actions.

Like I said in the previous blog. If you try to do something that you are not gifted to do, and try to force the issue, then Spirit will put the brake on. Go with your instincts, which come from your higher self. But do not try to go against Natural Law. You can only come second.

Love and Light,


Right, so I enjoyed my few days in South Wales.

While there, I saw John Edward in Cardiff, and was lucky enough to have been selected to ask a question, and I can say that hand on heart I have already benefited from the answer. If you get a chance to see him, take it.

Some of the reactions from people who were there gave me the idea of tackling what can be a thorny issue.

Why don’t I get what I ask for?

Let me explain this, by telling you how I became a Medium.

I have been aware of  Spirit for as long as I can remember. I had the usual “invisible friends”, and heard voices that no-one else could hear. Then I entered School, and had it educated out of me. In secondary school, I was even slippered for daring to say that Spirit communication was even possible. When I said I could actually DO it, the Headmaster went ballistic!. It was, as you might have guessed, a Catholic School, but a good Comprehensive, so I got sent there as I failed my 11+ exam. ( my Colonial readers might have to message me to ask what that means, please do so and I’ll explain).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I come from a family of Mediums, but it seems to have missed a generation as neither of my Parents were given the gift, but both my Grandmothers had it, and so did one of my Grandfathers, and an Uncle. On leaving School, I went the merry way of all teenagers, and put Spiritualism on the back burner. I still had the occasional sight or message, but I never progressed.

I then met up with Wendy, now my Wife. – or Senior Management, as I sometimes call her. She encouraged me to get back into the Spiritual way. One thing I was adamant about. I wanted to be a Healer, and no way was I going to be a Medium. Period.

So I decided that I was going to develop my Healing Skills. I faltered and stuttered and really, really struggled. Funny thing was, I was getting more messages than ever. And the quality of the contacts were getting better and better. The healing was not happening. The more I tried, the more I hit ” The wall”. I tried everything I could think of. Nothing.

Messages flowed like water. I didn’t have to try too hard, just open my mind to Spirit, and the messages flowed all night. I had to finally admit it. I was a Medium, whether I liked it or not.

So, one night, during my meditation I do before lighting my evening candle, I had a message from Spirit. It said that I had now achieved what was meant for me, and that I should accept the gift from Spirit. So I did.

And as soon as I accepted this, I found that my Healing skills improved, and the difficulties disappeared, virtually overnight. I was told by Oona, one of  my guides, that I had caused the problem myself. I had blocked the positive Spiritual Gift by being so negative. If  I wasn’t prepared to accept the gift as offered, then they were not prepared to give me what I wanted. Until I first accepted what I needed.

You see, in order to be an effective Healer, you first need to be a good communicator with the Doctors and Healers is Spirit. This can only be achieved by Mediumship.

So, let me answer the first question. Wanting or Needing ?

You only get Spirit to give you what you want if you first recognise what it is that you need. And even then you only get it if it is appropriate for you.

Don’t be blind to your needs by blinkering yourself with what you want – or think you do.

By all means, work towards your goal, and have ambition. But be prepared to change Horses in mid gallop if that is what is required of you.

Trying too hard for things actually makes it less likely you’ll get what you want, not more. As I’ve said before, Spiritualism is about making things more simple, not trying to make things more complex. Find the peace that is inside you. If a thing is right for you, then it’ll happen. If not, then don’t chase it. Trust those in Spirit, because they have the advantage of being able to see the bigger picture. I’ll cover that in another blog – Promise 🙂

Just enjoy the gifts you have, and use them to your best abilities. The World will be a much better place if we all did that.

Until the next time,

Love and Light,


Hello again.

In Spiritualism, we often go on about it being based on Love. But what does that mean exactly, and is it necessary to pin it down to a literal definition anyway.

Most dictionaries give the main definitions of love as a strong feeling of affection for someone, either platonic or sexual;affection conveyed to someone via a third-party (give her/him my love); A great pleasure or interest in something; or a score, or rather lack of it, on tennis.

Well, I suppose that people do play tennis in the world of Spirit, but I think we can put that particular definition to one side for the purpose of todays blog.

Where does love fit in to this “ism”. I believe that without love, there cannot be any form of Spiritualism. Here’s why.

Those in Spirit communicate by the meeting of minds. Some people call this Telepathy, but it’s so much more than that. I have always firmly believed that thoughts are living things. Just as tangible as the trees, stars, animals, what have you. These thoughts need to have power. Yes,it’s totally possible , in fact Natural Law dictates, to have sad or dark thoughts in the same way as bright, happy thoughts. but in a fight between light and dark, it’s the light that always comes out on top.

Think of it this way. Look into a dark room. You can’t see anything. Now add light. Where has the darkness gone. It’s totally disappeared. Take the same dark room and put a little bit of light into it. You can see whats in there. The light may indeed be weak, but even a small amount of light manages to banish all of the darkness. Look at the same dark room, and now add more darkness to it. You can’t. It’s exactly as dark as it was before, and the adding of more darkness makes no difference. I hope this shows that even a small weak light can banish all darkness, regardless of how deep the darkness is.

Now, I want you to substitute the words “Dark” with “hate” and “Light”with “Love”. Do you see how much difference a little love makes to an environment of hate. ( OK, so I accept that you need to make some grammatical adjustment, but I think you see what I’m trying to say ).

No matter how down you feel, or how much you think anger and hate has come into the world or your life, even a little bit of love makes a huge amount of difference.

To me, Love is a big, limitless feeling. It makes you feel that you have nothing to fear, and that the object of you love fufils your every need. It’s such a big feeling that you cannot help but share it. It’s the greatest feeling that you can ever have. But it’s no good unless you give it to those that need it.And remember that you don’t have to recieve it in order to give it.

Sadly, there is not enough of it at the moment, but it’s something that we can all make very easily. So why don’t we do just that?

When I started this, I said that love takes many forms. There is a love between someone and their partner, the love between a parent and child, the love between communities, the love shared between you and your God.

All love is created by your relationship with yourself. If you cannot love inwardly, then you have no chance of loving outwardly. I touched briefly on this in a previous blog. ( this means that you can give yourself permission to read my other blogs 😉 ).

Love comes naturally to us. We are born with it, and we all have the capacity to love unconditionally.Any parent will tell you of the joy that the unconditional love of a child brings to your life. One of the great shames of the Human condition is that as we grow, our experiences make us less willing to love, and more willing to judge without knowledge. This is because that as Humans we are not perfect, and we pick up the lack of trust and biases of our communities. The trick is to get past this, and to seek the simplicity that brings enlightenment.

I’ve said before that your relationship with Spirit is entirely a personal one. What is right for one, may not be right for another. This is a difficult concept to grasp, but this must be done. It does not come easy to Humans to see another point of view. I suppose that this is engrained into the Human existence by millenia of tribal and community identities. Any Human who seeks to be an individual tends to be treated with caution by society. It’s another hurdle to get past on your Spiritual development.

Try to love people for the things they share with you, but also love then because they have individual needs.

Never forget that we are all a minority of One.

There is a Spiritual greeting that you see a lot, which sums up what I’m saying in three simple words. I use it often, and you’ve seen me use it in these blogs. So, until the next time.

Love and Light,



Hello again.

Just what is ” Spiritual Healing”? Is it the same as Faith Healing, and where does Reiki fit in to the picture ?

I got asked this ages ago, and after some thought, I gave pretty much the answer I’ll relate to you now.

Firstly, let me look at what I see to be the basic mechanics of this thing called Healing, in whatever flavour you like to have it in.

Healing, in the Spiritual sense, involves one or more “Healers” achieving contact with those in Spirit who have the skills needed, so that a person, or persons, can achieve either full or partial cures for their ailments, or if this is not possible then some form of coping or living with the ailment is achieved. In the case of a terminal illness, there may be an unexpected and /or Medically unexplained cure may occur, or a more peaceful and easier promotion to Spirit happens.

It’s a generally held belief that with Spiritual healing, the skill of the practitioner ( I’ll explain why I don’t call the person a healer later) is to make the recipient as relaxed as possible, and then to make contact with those Doctors and other Healers in Spirit in order for them to act through the practitioner and produce one or more of the effects I set out in the previous part.

That’s why I use the word “Practitioner” when convention, and the  various official bodies, uses the word “Healer”. I believe that those in Spirit do the healing, not the Human. The input of the practitioner is vital, and should not be underestimated. Without them, there would be no channel for communication or healing. Nonetheless, they do not “Heal”, they are a channel for healing. Those in Spirit do the healing, so give to Spirit what belongs to them. Just as the Medium is the channel for messages, then the Practitioner is the channel for healing. the other point I would make is this. If a healer /practitioner or whatever term you use is actually providing the healing, then please explain how Distant ( or Absent) Healing works?

That’s how I see it and, as always, please feel free to agree or disagree. And if you are a healer and have taken offence at my apparent downgrading of your role, please re-read the above. I think that you are vital, indeed I am a Practitioner myself, and regularly work with Doctors and Healers in Spirit to bring relief in many forms to those who are in need.

So is Faith Healing and Spiritual Healing the same. Yes…..and No.

Healing from Spirit needs no Faith or Religious belief whatsoever. Anyone can channel it, and anyone can receive it. It’s freely given from the Spirit world, who have none of the prejudice or bias that we are lumbered with on the Earth Plane. You could argue that the recipient needs to have faith in the process, but I’ve seen improvements in those who thought that the very idea of Spiritual Healing was a load of bunkum, so that theory appears to have been blown away conclusively. It happens. I’d say that the practitioner needs to have faith in their Spirit contacts, so there’s the tenuous link with “Faith”.

Now the biggie.


I need to declare that I have a foot in both camps.  In addition to my Spiritual Healing, I am also a Reiki Shinpiden (Third degree, or equivalent of ” master” in the Western System). Put simply and, for the moment, sidestepping the folklaw and stories that may or may not be true about the origins and lineage of Reiki, here’s my two pennyworth.

Reiki is Psychic Healing, in that you have to be within the aura of the recipient. Distant Healing is possible,  but knowledge of the recipient is required in order to access the aura ( not so in Spiritual healing). When this occurs, then there is an exchange of energy from the Reiki Healer and the recipient. There may be a Spirit Guide present, but the energy is from the Healer. Therefore, I would say that Reiki whether Western or Oriental ” intuitive” is from the Healer, not directly from Spirit. Sure, there is a “topping up ” process, where the healer gets this energy back, but it’s primarily the Healers energy doing the work.Therefore it is fundamentally different from Spiritual healing, which is basically a form of Mediumship involving contact with Doctors and Healers in Spirit.

So there you have it.  I believe that Spiritual Healing is basically Mediumship involving contact with Spirit Doctors who do the necessary healing, while Reiki involves energy transfer from the Healer, who may or may not be under Spirit Guidance.

The really important thing to remember is that both forms of healing work. So does it really matter how? Surely the only thing that’s important is that they do. And they both have equal effect on Humans and Animals, so neither can be placebo.

Reiki Healers are every bit as effective as Spirit Healers / Practitioners, just different. neither is “better” or “purer”. And the method is not as important as the beneficial effects. If it works, don’t knock it.

I hope that I’ve got you thinking. As always, comments are welcome.

Love and Light.



Hello again.


I’m pleased that so many people seem to get something out of my blogs. Thanks to all of you for your continuing support. Don’t look to anyone except yourselves for “permission to believe”. Spiritualism is entirely personal, and I would always encourage that.

Keep things as simple as possible, and good things will come. Lets me go a bit deeper.

There cannot be anything more simple than the relationship that you have with yourself. It’s even simpler than the relationship you have with your loved ones. It’s the start of all relationships.

If you are not at peace with yourself, then how can you hope to have peace with others. Note that I say “Peace” and not “love”. Self love can run away with you, and you can easily convince yourself that you are a better person than you actually are. Being at peace with yourself is a much deeper, and meaningful, thing which is actually much harder to achieve. Self belief is a good thing, as is self-confidence, but neither of these should be unshakeable, as you should always be prepared to consider other people. And the fact that they may be right.

This peace, I believe, can only come from living a simple life. The more material things you need ( or think you do ), then the more your mind is filled with thoughts as to how you can achieve these material things. The human mind has finite capacity, so it logically follows that the more materialistic thoughts you have, the less room is available for higher things. Get rid of the things you don’t need in order to make room for what really matters to you. As to what this is, well you have to decide for yourself. As I keep saying, I only provide questions, you need to work the answers out for yourselves.

I have seen people try to develop over the years. Some have achieved the position they feel that they need to be in, while others falter. I have seen those that falter appear to follow the same template. i hope that by pointing out some things, it may help. I believe that they fail to simplify things. I hope that these are some pointers.

They all seem to have fixed expectation.

It’s great to know where your going, and to have goals. There’s nothing wrong in that, and if you think there’s a “but” coming on – well I don’t like to disappoint, so here it is.

When you open up to the world of Spirit, then you have to expect that it’s a two-way street. There are an infinite number of ways to serve. I believe that we are all born spiritual, but that doesn’t mean we are all Mediums. The best and most worthwhile way of serving the world of Spirit is to live a good Earthly life. This , to me, means acting selflessly and serving those who need in the way that they need it. It’s difficult to achieve this, as this lifestyle goes against Human Nature, with all it’s greed and selfishness.

Yet people sit in circles for years, and complain that they don’t get anything. My response to this is simple. If you are so entrenched in your thoughts of what you want that you can’t see anything else, then how are you going to see, hear, or feel, how Spirit are trying to communicate with you.

They don’t know how to relax.

If you remain tense, and don’t let go of things, then your mind will never be at rest. If you have so much noise going on, then you have no hope of hearing the whisper from Spirit, let alone know what it’s trying to say. It’s often been said that if you empty your mind, the first thing you hear comes from Spirit. It’s like trying to hear a whisper in a room full of people.You need to find a way of achieving this peace within.

They want too much too soon.

Patience is the key. Accept what you are being asked to do. Progress steadily and you won’t hit any walls and have to back track. The sturdiest buildings are built on strong foundations. Dig ’em deep. Put a bit more pink in your aura.

They are too reliant on the work that has been done before.

Work your own way. Don’t try to be the next Swedenborg, try to be the first You. By all means be respectful of tradition. History is a great place, but it’s not somewhere you should try to live. Try to be a Pioneer, rather than trying to reheat a souffle.

They carry baggage.

As things happen, deal with them. Then when you’re dealt with them, throw them away. It’s difficult, but needs to be done if you are to progress. If you’re given a message from Spirit, then pass it on. As for the message itself, it’s not for you, it’s for the person you’ve been told to give it to. The more messages you get, then the more you will know how to deal with them. But if you mess it up, don’t worry. Learn from the experience, and progress. And don’t try to be more important  than the message. You aren’t. Remain grounded.


So I hope I’ve given you some more food for thought. Agree, or disagree, as you wish. All I ask is that you think about it and make your own mind up.

Spiritualism is a relationship between you and the Spirit world.No-one else.

It is that personal.

Love and Light,



Hello again,

I was having a discussion with someone a while ago.

The subject of  Guides / Helpers / assistants came up, and it was the old chestnut that those of us who have been around a while seem to hear every so often.

“I can’t contact my guide. How do I do it?” I replied ” Don’t worry, you might not need guidance at the moment “, but it set me thinking. We’re all guilty of relying too much on Guides for most of the time.

OK, so you’re expecting me to quote Principle 5 at you. I’m not going to disappoint. Of course you need to take personal responsiblity, but there’s more to it than that. Let me put my angle onto it, and consider the nature of Spirit Guidance in a way that conforms to Natural law.

Let me take you back to school. When you started on your first day at Primary School, you had one teacher, and that teacher gave you little bits of everything. This was because that’s exactly what you needed. A familiar face you could trust, and felt comfortable with. And you didn’t have to cope with getting used to a different teacher every five minutes.

As you progressed through later classes you had different teachers, who gave you different skills, and greater depth of knowledge, but still at a level which you could deal with.

In Middle School and Secondary School, you’d progress with one teacher per subject, but still with a Form tutor, who would give you general guidance when you needed it. And we all had a favourite teacher. ( Mine was Mr Dougherty – a well cool Irishman with a love of English Literature that was infectious. And he had a VW Beetle with denim upholstery, how cool was that in the 70’s! – anyway I digress).

With me so far?

Well, why should the Spirit World be any different. When you first become Spiritually aware, you can probably only cope with one guide, so that’s what you get. And they tend to stay with you during this important early stage of development. They give you little bits of fairly general stuff, in a way that you can cope with.

As you grow, and need to hone your skills, so you get a guide who can help you with the skills you need to develop, while the original guide is still there, but in the background.

Eventually, you get guides who have very specialist skills, which they help you with. And these will only be present when you need them.

I know from personal experience that Oona is my guide who helps me when I  do healing.

John is with me when I do Circles and One to One work. He also is my Guide when I do Remote Viewing, which is my main skill at the moment.

Gordon is with me when I do House Awareness ( I can’t call it Rescue Work, to me it’s about getting the house owners to accept that they have Spirit beings with them, which calms both parties to a point where they become easy with each other. No-one needs to be “rescued”, just recognised.). And yes – it is THAT Gordon.

Beatrice is there on the odd occasion I do Church work.( She was a Medium on Earth – and my Grandmother).

My point is that they are not always with me all of the time. Only when I need them, or they can see I need help. I also have animal helpers, but that’s for another day.

So, I believe that you get the Guide that you need, when you need them.  You will also have Guides that become friends, and are  there, but not all of the time. You don’t live with your friends, but you know how to get hold of them when you need them. So it is with Guides. Isn’t it reasonable and in accordance with Natural Law to expect  that if you need a skill, then you get an appropriate Guide who is able to teach you that skill?

AND THEY ARE GUIDES. There are there to advise you and to make suggestions. They will never TELL you what to do, because that would make them Dictators, and not Guides. How you act on that advice is your responsibility. Never use your Guides as scapegoats, or as an excuse to justify your own choices.

And as I said at the beginning, you may not need Guides at all. I know of at least one extremely good Medium who has never had a Guide, but it never stopped her from being highly effective.

If you had to act on the advice of you guides, then surely there would be no choice available to you. Therefore no opportunity to take responsibility and no action / reaction which is required by Natural law.

So, that’s my angle.  I hope it gives you food for thought, and then you are able to think things out for yourselves.

Until next time,

Love and Light.


Most of us have been through this.

You go to a meditation class / Awareness Circle for the first time. You don’t know much about what you’re about to do, but you have an urge to be there.

The group leader speaks ” We’re going to enter the quiet state now, so just find the peace within you”. And that’s it. One question remains  – HOW!

I accept that this might be a bit of an extreme example, but I’ve seen similar happen time and time again. No-one seems to find it necessary to tell newcomers the basic mechanics of meditation. And then wonder why they get next to nothing from the experience.

So, please allow me to suggest some ground rules, and I’ll try to explain why each rule is valid. So, find and area where you won’t be disturbed, and …..

1. Sit on a chair, rather than on the floor.

You are going to be in a relaxed state, and you will need support. Sit on the floor and you will flop. guaranteed. It may be OK when you’re an experienced meditator, but as a beginner, trust me – you need a chair. And a high-backed, dining type chair as well. Forget the Lotus Position for the time being.

2. Feet on the floor

A couple of reasons for this. Firstly, it makes you more stable, so less likely to slip when you relax. Secondly, when you meditate, you need to be grounded. Feet flat on the floor makes this easier. You need to feel the Earth Vibrations in order to meditate properly. Also, you need somewhere to rest your hands so rest them in your lap.

3. Straight Back.

Vitally important. Spiritual meditation relies on the use of Kundalini Energy – sometimes known as Corporeal Energy. This manifests itself in the spinal area, and a straight back is essential for this energy to firstly manifest itself, and then flow throughout your physical and Auric bodies. Even when relaxing, you need a straight back.

4. Head up, and neck in line

You can’t breathe properly without your head up, and neck straight. You need to breathe properly.

5. Arms relaxed.

Hands in lap. relaxed, and in a comfortable position. Some say that you should have the palms upwards. If you find this uncomfortable, just have them in a position that suits you.

6. Breathe properly.

For meditation, you need to breathe deeply and cyclically. Fill your lungs fully, and use your abdomen as well as your ribs. I recommend the “cycle of fours” rhythm. Breathe like this. In for a count of four. hold for four. Out for four. Rest for four. Repeat. If this doesn’t suit you, try another rhythm. But you must use a rhythm and breathe deeply. Word of warning. Don’t breathe too quickly, or you will hyperventilate.

7. Drift into relaxation.

Slowly let yourself relax, and let go. But keep your back straight and your head up. Don’t fidget.

8. Keep practising.

Practise, Practise, Practise. And when you tire of practicing, then have a short break and practice again. You won’t be able to do it straight away. It’s an art which comes with time and a bit of effort. For a basic meditation, put yourself in a sunny meadow. Sit down and look around you.   What do you see?  What can you hear?  What do you smell?  What do you feel?  Walk away from the meadow as you bring yourself out of the meditation. Don’t attempt too much until you get used to it.

9. Use gentle music.

No Thrash Metal or similar. Def Leopard and Metallica have their place, but it isn’t in the mediation area. Or in my house at all, if I’m honest !! There are many soft and melodic tunes you can use. No need for specially written music for meditation. I have used Brian  Enos’ ‘” Music for Airports” before now. Be warned – music can be hypnotic and you may find you are affected and self hypnotize, rather than meditate. So, not too loud – you should just barely hear it. You may find it’s easier to meditate without Music ( I do sometimes – OK I admit. I hate using music, but in the beginning it can be  useful, so try it).

10. Time yourself.

Ten minutes are usually enough. You can set a kitchen timer, or there are watches designed for deaf people, that have a vibrating alarm to bring you out of meditation. Mobile phones set to vibrate can also be used, but I know of several people who won’t have a phone on while they meditate, as they feel it upsets energy fields. The choice, as they say, is yours.

The above points are general, so won’t suit everybody. And they are intended to help those who are new to meditation, or who struggle with it. Once you’ve mastered the basics, please develop your own style. You can only meditate when you are comfortable.

So there you have it. I hope that this has helped. if you think I’ve missed anything, then please tell me. Comments are always welcome.

Until next time,

Love and Light,


Right, so I’ve looked at the Seven Principles, and laid strong foundations. Now let’s get on with the blog.

Over the years, in fact ever since the modern form of Spiritualism came into being with the Hydesville Rappings, there has been heated debate as to whether Spiritualism can be seen as a religion. The current stance that the Spiritualist National Union takes is that it is a Religion, a Science, and  philosophy.

Th philosophy side is self-evident, and accepted by all and sundry.

Several eminent scientists have conducted countless experiments with consistent results, so the science part seems to hold up.

Where the difficulties lie is with the Religion bit. So let’s have a look at this in this blog.

There are many recognised religions on this Earth. Some similarities between them can be seen as follows.

There is a force / deity / God who requires worship and obedience.

There is a moral code which must not be broken, with sanctions if it is

There are Sacred texts which are taken as the word of the Religion. Followers are expected to have read them, and follow their teachings.

There is a way of life to which followers are expected to follow.

There is a hierarchy, be they Priests or Learned persons to whom followers look for guidance and comfort in times of need.

These are but five of the many similarities between the major religions. The list is by no means exhaustive, and you could spend a lifetime finding them all. Yet rather than concentrate on these similarities, Mankind seems to concentrate on the small , almost infinitely small differences between them in order to use them as an excuse to wage war. How stupid is that?

So let’s see how Spiritualism bears up to those five basics.

Well, Spiritualism certainly embraces the idea that there is a Higher Life Force, which some call God. There is some degree of worship and obedience to the higher force, but there is also no official dogma, and you can worship in your own way. Or not, as you wish.
There is no actual requirement to worship as such, but Principle 1 states that you accept the “Fatherhood of God”. This is not the same as worship. You accept that the Managing Director at your place of work is in effect the “Father” of your workplace, and is the one who ultimately looks after the needs of the workforce, but you wouldn’t worship them. It’s not the same. And as for a Spiritualists obedience to the life force / God,  Principle 5 – Personal Responsibility blows that straight out of the water. How can you have freedom to take personal responsibility when you are required to be obedient. Obedience doesn’t give you the wiggle room you need.

The Moral Code for us, as Spiritualists, are the Seven Principles. From the previous posts on this blog, you know the answer. They are a strict moral code which need to be adhered to, without exception or element of personal choice as to which you decide to follow. it’s all or nothing. By not observing one, you fail to observe them all.

Some people say that they need to be revisited.That’s OK, but it needs to be done with sensitivity, and by persons who have no hidden agenda. Otherwise we risk having a “King James” senario, where our “Commandments” are rewritten for political, not spiritual, purposes.

As far as the Sacred Texts are concerned, well I suppose you could count the Lyceum Manual, which is just as valid for adults as the children that it was written for. Some members of the Spiritualist movement also recognise the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, some even use the Christian Bible but there are no absolute sacred documents that are universally recognised within the Spiritualist movement as a whole. There is respect for the Bible, the Koran, The Torah, and the Dhammapada, and others. But there is no universally recognised sacred book.

The way of life is entirely personal. It is a matter for you and your conscience. Sure, you should use the Principles as a guide to how you life your life and interact with others. But there is no real and tangible insistence to do so. You can be the most loathsome individual the Earth has ever seen, but you can still progress, according to the Principles.

There may appear to be a hierarchy within spiritualism, but this is only down to individual approaches. The movement was set up in the light of higher life, where all things are equal according to Natural law. Spiritualism grew alongside the Co-operative and the Socialist Movements.

No one is above another.

Along the years, like most things, the ‘Animal Farm” syndrome has got a toehold. You may be familiar with “All are equal, but some are more equal than others”. This is down to Mans interpretation, not Spirit World intentions. I suppose one example of how this manifests itself in a visible way is that some Ministers insist on wearing dog collars, with the effect that this form of dress gives them a visible difference. I personally don’t hold with this, and see it as a form of distancing, rather than reinforcing the equality we should have. You may feel differently, and I respect  your stance  if this is how you feel.

So, Back to the beginning. Is it a Religion?

Possibly. Even Probably.It certainly ticks some , if not all, of the required boxes.

I don’t think it is, personally. And I don’t think it suffers for not being so. I see it as a way of life, and should be lived as such throughout our eternal life.

Does it matter if it isn’t.  Not at all, in my opinion. All that is important is the knowledge that life is eternal, and we all need to act with the purest of intentions. That, in itself, is hard enough.

What you think is, as always, down to you and your conscience.

Love and Light until the next time.


Sorry that this is a bit late, but it’s here now.

I’ve seen this described as the “last” Principle in some Spiritualist Churches. As I’ve explained at the beginning of these blogs, all Principles are equal, and have no precedence over each other. they should be seen as a whole, not a list of  “to do’s”. All I’ll say here is that they should know better.


So what do I think the Principle means. I think it needs to be taken literally, and in context with all of the other Principles. You set your own limits in this life, so why should things be different in the next.

We know from the wisdom of Silver Birch that the lower levels of Progression are very similar to the world we inhabit now. This makes sense, and would explain why Rescue Work is so important. It could well be that those who pass suddenly and unexpectedly don’t realise that they have passed if the next level is almost the same as the Earth Plane.  Once they have come to terms with this, then it is in accordance with Natural Law that things are revealed in a way that your eternal soul can handle.

Remember what it feels like to be suddenly immersed in a cold bath. it’s a big shock to the system, but you get used to it after a while. What’s this got to do with Spiritualism – stick with me, and I’ll explain (trust me, I used to be a Nurse)!!

So you get born into this world. Now, for Natural Law to apply, (and we accept that it does,  otherwise we wouldn’t hold the knowledge that we do), then we need to have come from somewhere in order to process into this world. We also have the knowledge that we will pass into a higher plane after this world. And so on, eternally progressing if we wish. With me so far?

OK, so if there is a spirit world which has no physical limit, and is truly eternal, then we would not be able to comprehend it all in one go. So that explains why we have progression. We get used to one plane / level / sphere, whatever you want to call it, and when we have understood why we are on one level, then we can progress to the next. Makes sense, doesn’t it.

If you think of it logically, then it explains why certain souls who have passed can contact you more easily than others. If they have progressed to the higher levels, then it stands to reason that they have to go through more levels than the ones closer to you, who are in the lower levels and literally don’t have to travel so far to get onto the levels where they can contact you, either directly or via a Medium.

Whatever you decide, and however far you want to progress, then rest assured that God is with you, and never gives up on you. Key word being “Every” Human Soul. You can be the worst kind of person here on Earth, but you still have the opportunity to make amends and progress. Never forget that there is a spark of Spirit in all of us. It’s just that some people are either totally unaware of it, or do their utmost to hide it. It can’t stay hidden indefinitely.


Right, that’s the basics of the Seven Principles done. If you’re reading this and want something explaining, then leave me a comment, and I’ll do my best. Otherwise, I’ll just write what I think about.

I’d also like to remind you that this blog is my understanding of things. Don’t think that you have to AGREE, just accept that you have to THINK ABOUT THINGS.

Love and Light,


Welcome again.

This is perhaps the most rewarding and, at the same time, frightening of the Seven Principles, and probably the most manipulated. I’ve sometimes heard it used as a threat, thankfully rarely, by people who have run out of logical argument. That’s not what it’s for. None of the Principles are intended to be used as weapons.

To me, this Principle is comforting. It reinforces the knowledge that Natural Law will always prevail. How often has something been done to you with ill intent, and the perpetrator appears to have got away with it, only to come unstuck in the future. This is one of the reasons that it is not within our gift to take revenge. Revenge is in itself an evil deed. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Negative can never right a negative. Remember Natural Law. The Chinese have a proverb – Before exacting revenge, first dig two graves. Remember this.

This Principle also lays out that there will be a period of review in the after life, where we will have to account for our actions. This is a common thread throughout many religions, but Spiritualist differ in one key detail.

We are not judged by anyone but ourselves. Only we know our circumstances.

The elation and joy we carry from our good deeds will be recalled, as will our bad deeds, and also where our inaction has caused grief to others. Eternal progression can only happen when we have balanced the scales, and have made ourselves at peace with those in Spirit, Our Creative Spirit ( or God, if you will), and most importantly, ourselves.

The process can be started while on Earth. it may sound coy, but the more good we do on Earth, the more balanced this process will be.

Before you act, then first think. If you can rationalise your action, then go ahead. Act for the “Now”. The past has gone and cannot be retrieved or changed. The future holds so many variables that it cannot be accurately planned for.( Look how inacurate the weather forecasts are !).

Actions also include thoughts, for they are living things too. If you think of anything, then you are making it exist. Once again, no shortcuts or cherry picking. Thoughts are deeds.

And don’t forget, we may be on the Earth plane, but we all carry the spark of a Spirit Being within us. You never truly leave the Spirit world, but while on the Earth plane you have to live a grounded life. That’s why your here. You’ll get the chance to live life in Spirit all too soon.

Love and light,


This is my favourite. As I see it, the other six don’t mean as much if you don’t practice this one.

Let me start with a question. If you’re looking for a restaurant, and your friend recommends one but when you go the meal is not good, the service is rubbish and you generally have a bad time, whose fault is it?

Think about it for a bit.

There’s two ways of thinking in Spiritualism about free will. One way looks at a thing called the Akashic (several spellings, before you tell me I’m wrong) records. These are a group of records which exist in spirit, and they hold all things that have passed, all things that are, and all things that are yet to be. People who believe in these records say that all things are written, and fate determines what you have done, are doing, and are yet to do.

Others say that we have free will, decisions are ours and ours alone without influence and that we are masters of our own destiny.

My point is that If you subscribe to the first way of thinking, then you cannot possibly believe in free will. How can you have free will if everything has already been decided. No free will means no possibility of you taking control. No control means no personal responsiblity. Therefore there has to be some “wiggle room” in the Akashic Records for them to exist. Or they don’t exist at all. I think this is the only “Yes or No” area of Spiritualist Philosophy. Both theories cannot co-exist.

We pride ourselves on the scientific basis for our “ism”. Natural law has to exist.

How many people justify actions by saying ” I had no choice”. Rubbish. We all have a choice at all times.  Go or No Go, as NASA puts it. When people use this excuse, what they’re actually saying is ” I know I have a choice, but I’ve taken the line which gives ME the best options”. I suppose you can excuse this, as everything in nature takes the path of least resistance. Things when dropped travel in a straight line, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, electricity goes to earth via path of least resistance. You get the drift.

It takes energy and effort to do anything different, but sometimes this is what we need to do. There is no-one to deflect our responsibility to, no-one to act on our behalf. We do what we do, and will eventually be called to account for it.

There is no escape. No cherry picking. No deflection. You make your own decisions, and are responsible for them. Don’t feel too depressed about it, as you can take responsibility in an otherwise down situation, and turn it round by being positive and taking the time and effort to find the silver lining in the dark cloud.

If you read ” Philosophy of Spiritualism”, issued by the SNU – and I’d urge you to do so –  The definition is split into three parts.

Individual Responsibility, meaning the way we interact with those close to us.

Group Responsibility, meaning the way we engage with local communities and clubs we belong to.

Collective Responsibility, meaning how we interact and influence the world, and the various peoples within it. ( by implication, the spirit world is included, after all we are all spiritual beings).

Finally, the answer to the question I started with.

Ultimately, you took responsiblity to act on the information given, so it’s down to you, and you alone. Your friend may have gone on an exceptionally good day, while you went on a normal or bad day. there are just too many variables in this world for you to go blaming other people. Everyone has a different viewpoint, and one persons “good” is anothers “average”, and yet anothers “poor”.

Until next time,

Love and Light,


In many ways this is the simplest Principle for a Spiritualist to accept. If you don’t believe in Continuous Existence, then it’s pretty difficult to be a Spiritualist in the first place. Or is it?

This, I suppose, is where we get close to other religions. Most religions accept there is life after physical death, but Spiritualism alone has first hand, repeatable, and consistent evidence of actual continuation of life.Spiritualists alone know that two-way communication with those in Spirit is not only possible, it’s inevitable.

And not just through the evidence of Mediums.

Spiritualists have these things called “circles”. They are group meetings where various types of meditations and sharing takes place. Spiritualists are not unique in having circles, or similar activities. Many religions have meditation at their core, even activities not directly involved with religion have similar activities, from common prayer groups in Christianity, to the “Reiki Shares” in Reiki healing. I happen to be a Reiki Shinpiden (Master), but that’s something for another day.

So what is different about the Spiritualist Circle. Simple. They give anyone who attends them the chance to experience, first hand, proof of the continuous  existence of Human Souls. From my experience of a fair few years of Circles at all levels, I am always pleased to see new people experience first hand evidence of contact with loved ones “across the veil”.

You do not need to be a Medium to get contact from people in Spirit. Other members of circles can, and often do, give messages to each other. Sitters in circle often get colour communication, and sometimes get messages directly from loved ones by thought transfer – not “mind reading”, that’s a different thing entirely – or by feeling ( Clairsentience), Hearing (Clairaudience) and seeing (Clairvoyance).

Contact can be by more direct means. have you ever “felt someone is there” in the house, on the bus, in the car, at work? Or have you seen something in the corner of your eye? have you ever thought about a loved one in Spirit, only for an object of theirs suddenly appear when you’re least expecting it? Too much of a coincidence, well it’s for you to answer that one.

While it’s not possible to “force” a contact with Spirit, If a message is needed it usually gets through, but not always in the way we anticipate. just enjoy any contact, no matter what form it takes. And be comforted by the knowledge that life is eternal.

Until the next time.

Love and Light,


I have my own interpretation of the definition of “angel”, which is very different from the “official” line, but I’ll get to that soon enough.

In the Spiritual sense of the word “Communion” means sharing, and community. More of a common union, than communion. Other religions use the word in a more specific sense  denoting a single action of devotion, but we have a wider, but equally meaningful (some would say more so).

When a group of Spiritualists meet, be it in a church, circle, or any other time, they share a unique bond with the world of Spirit which no-one other than other Spiritualists can truly understand. This bond, or union, does not just include those who have been promoted, but those on our plane as well.

It has to be remembered that all beings are Spirit beings, regardless of the plane they happen to inhabit. Even the least spiritual Humans carry the spark of spirit within them.All of us would do well to remember that.

We have the knowledge within that needs to be developed, and there is a need to acknowedge this. It is a vital part of our personal development that we assist others to recognise this. I feel that the best way to achieve this is to lead by example.

When we can do this, then surely we will have reached true communion, or common union, if you want to put it that way.

Now to the difficult bit , for me anyway.

The generally held belief is that Angels are higher beings who uniquely have never inhabited the earth plane. Therein lies the problem for me, so please allow me to explain.

In order to have true understanding of any problem, it’s better to have experience of it, or something pretty close. I accept that Angels guide us, and that their guidance is provided, but we have the final say. It is not acceptable to say that Angels have told you to act in a particular way in order to justify any of your actions. More of this in Principle 5.

If Angels have not experienced life on the Earth plane, then how can even these powerful spirit beings see things from and Earthbound point of view. it doesn’t hold up to logic, and we are supposed to be logical and scientific in our approach.

Secondly, there have been many people upon Earth that have made real changes and been really and truly influential on our lives. Don’t people like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Padre Pio and the like deserve the title Angel. I think they do.

I believe that there is such a thing as an Earthbound Angel, and they certainly meet the criteria of such. On a personal level, there must be someone in any persons life who have angellic qualities,from the neighbour who comes to you in times of need, to the Doctors and Nurses , together with other emergency workers who save lives on a regular basis. OK, so they are professionals, but what makes them choose that particular line, when most people with their wit and wisdom would choose much more materialistically rewarding jobs.

Both types of Angels truly do “minister” to us.

You might not agree, but that is your right, and I encourage it.

Love and Light until the next time,


I’m a bit late this week, but I have today off, so here goes.

I can’t help being drawn to the irony of doing a blog with this title a few days often the Eurovision Song Contest. Many people will see the brotherhood of man as a four piece vocal combo who won euroyawn in the 70’s, but there is so much more to it. Stay with me and I’ll prove it.

The Earth.

On the universal scale of things, our Good Earth is no more than a tiny pebble close to the spark of light we call the Sun. Some of us are alarmed that currently approximately 7 billion Human souls are on the Earth, but on a cosmic scale this is a tiny number. What is indisputable, is that we all exist within a tiny space. What is also, sadly, indisputable is that we like to fight each other. Saddest of all is that we like to fight each other over the most trivial of things.

What is the point of fighting over possessions. Whether it be oil or natural resource rights, territorial rights, or political dogma, there can be no justification for the taking of something as sacred as a Human life. As a Spiritualist, I know that life is eternal and unending, but to cut down blossom before it has a chance to turn into fruit is surely the saddest thing in the universe. And to justify it by fighting for transitory things such as earthly possessions is just plain wrong.

So here is also some undisputable facts.

Any form of enterprise is more efficient when engaged in teamwork, rather than fighting against each other. If we worked together on a personal, national, and international level, then we would pool resources and resolve the problems that face us all.

Human beings share more than 99% of their DNA. So why concentrate on the 1%. Celebrate the 99%.

Conflict only causes stress. Co-operation encourages harmony and feelings of well-being.

The apparent distance between countries is nothing on a universal scale. We are all neighbours. if you see the guy next door struggling, then you help them. So scale this concern up to a global scale.

You cannot be at peace with others until you are at peace with yourself. Work hard on this first.

Finally, all religious works include peace, love, truth and harmony. Don’t just read it. DO IT !

All other Humans are your brothers and sisters. If you believe in Creation Theory, then this has to be true. If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, then we all came from the same starting point.Whatever you feel about how you were created, it should be apparent to you that we have a common starting point. Diversity has a common start.

Value people for the contribution they make, and the soul that is within them, not by outward signs, such as skin colour, social practice and individual issues.

The first step to achieving the Brotherhood of Man is to accept this. It’s not easy, but needs to be done.

Thanks friends,


OK, so time for another of my ramblings/Blogs/journals, what have you.

I hope that you’re getting something from them.

Before, I tried to make the point that everyone comes from the same starting point, and it doesn’t matter what you believe in, as long as you have a belief which you are committed to.

God comes in different meanings to different people, and that’s fine. As long as you have basic respect for yourself and others you share this rock we call Earth with then you’re just about on the right track as far as I’m concerned.

Enough recapping, on with the next bit.

Let me look closer at the word “Fatherhood”

Anyone who is a parent, or has ever had a parent (That’ll be all of us then), will know that while the parent is loving and giving and would generally give anything for us, there has to be a bit of  ” sort it out for yourself” in the mix. The love given by a Mother or Father is generally unconditional and no matter what we do, or how irresponsible we are, when we need them they are there to pick up the pieces.

This is how I believe it is with God. It is Gods role to be there for us, and to oversee us. But it is not God’s job to do things for us. I would say that God would be showing an imperfection if he/she  did everything for us. That’s not Gods purpose. Why create something and then do everything yourself. There’s just no logic in that, is there.

Surely it is up to us to progress in our own way, making our own mistakes and then learning from them. That’s a good way to progress, and complies with Natural law ( more on that a bit later).The only way that God can “Father” us is to sometimes stand back and let us get on with it, and work out our own problems while observing how we deal with things. By all means ask for guidance, and I’m sure this comes in many ways with not all of them being obvious. That guidance will come, and it is up to the individual to take that advice and learn from it.

We are given life on the Earth Plane to learn and develop from it. We get the chance to live life on higher planes all too soon, so make the most of it while we’re here. By making a difference while we’re here, we can only prepare for what is to come.

God shows his Fatherhood for us in the facility and practice of  Natural law. This is the way that balance occurs on all levels of creation. It’s the same whichever “side of the veil” you happen to inhabit, and it gives true equality to all life forms.

It’s simple. Everything is in balance, and has to be so. Each evil deed or thought has to be balanced with a good one. No cherry picking, No escape. A bit frightening, isn’t it.

Just wait until we get to Principle 6!

So, thought for the day.

Remember there is good in all people, because there is God in all people.

Love and Light,


I hope that you are well.

If you’re a Spiritualist – brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re a Christian – brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re a Muslim – brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re a Hindu – brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re a Humanist – brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re a Jew –  brilliant, you’re welcome here.

If you’re………………………………..well I think you might be able to see a pattern emerging, so I won’t spend time listing every single belief here. I think you’ve got the gist of what I’m trying to say.

It doesn’t matter if you have a God, a creative entity, or just a vague suspicion that there might be something other than us out there somewhere, what is indisputable is that all things have been created.

Even the most hard-core scientists are at a loss to explain where everything has come from. Not one item of anything can explain its own existence.

I believe that there is a force beyond current understanding that has created us, and everything around us. I do not subscribe to the ” White haired old European form man who runs around vengefully smiting anyone who doesn’t happen to agree with him”, as seems to be popular in some religions ( but I would defend their right to believe this if they want to – more of this when we get to P 5).

There are some things which I believe to be rational and stand up to scrutiny.

1. The life force that some call God is ever-present, and all-seeing.

2. This life force is responsible for all of creation.

3. “God” should not be thought of in Human terms – some refer to God as the Mother/Father. I still think that this puts Human restrictions on God, but it’s at least a step in the right direction.

4. God is Love. Even the less loving things that happen to us are put there with loving intentions. Think about it. We all have some tough times in our lives. Some of these are almost unbearable, but we almost always come through these times stronger, knowing more about ourselves and others, and more developed in many ways than we were before.

5. God gives us things which bind us together more strongly. Challenges are put before us where we have to pull together in order to overcome them. these could be natural disasters, global warming, tough financial times, general apparent injustice, lots of things. But they work in getting us to pull together.

I could go on, but I ask you to think about other examples. I said from the start that I don’t want to give direct answers here. My opinion is just that, and I really want you to form your own.

I want to keep these blogs fairly short, so I’ll end this here, as I think you might need a bit of thinking time.

Thought for today:-

Please concentrate on our similarities, and celebrate our differences. Life would be boring if we were all the same. We are all warmed by the same Sun.

I have only posted on consecutive days because it’s a Holiday weekend and I have some time on my hands. I hope that I will be able to post at weekends.

Hopefully I’ll see you again in a few days. I welcome any comments – positive and negative – and if you like this blog, please tell your friends.

Love and Light,


Lets get back to basics.

The Seven Principles of Spiritualism are:-

1. The Fatherhood Of God

2. The Brotherhood of Man

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul

5. Personal Responsibility

6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth

7. Eternal Progression Open to Every Human Soul

I guarantee you’ll see these on display in every Spiritualist National Union Church, and in some independent ones too. Sometimes boldly in a place where you can’t miss them, and sometimes tucked away out of plain sight. But they will be about somewhere if you look for them.

They all have significance, and were handed to Emma Hardinge Britten in 1871, when in communication with the spirit of Robert Owen ( the founder of the Co-operative movement –  think on that when collecting your Dividend)

Although there are 7 principles, some argument exists as to whether there were actually 12, and not 7. This argument will run and run, so lets settle for the 7 as recognised by the SNU in order to avoid any confusion.

Now you know what the principles are, there are some important but often ignored things that have to be grasped.

Firstly, although the principles are nearly always listed in the above order, they were given in such a way that they are all of equal value, and should be practiced as such. No Principle should be seen as more important than another. You have to live your life according to all 7. No cherry picking allowed.

Secondly, although they are presented in a numerical list, it needs to be remembered that they are not hierarchical. For example, if you fail to take personal responsiblity for your actions, it does not mean that you cannot eternally progress.

Next, the Principles are there for guidance and reference. They are not, never have, and should never be the basis of a Dogma. There is no place for Dogma or hierarchy in Spiritualism. It is an environment of equals. This is its’ strength. Spiritualism is an entirely personal movement, and you should make your own mind up.

I intend to take each of the Principles and blog what I feel about them over the next few weeks. I hope that you will think about them. Make your own mind up about them, and I hope I give you some stimulation to find your own answers. That’s what the “ism” is about.

Love and Light


Hello world!

This is the first of my blogs.

I’ll be writing about the Philosophy of Spiritualism, and I’ll be giving you my point of view on a variety of subjects that affect me, us, and the world in general.

I intend to make it easy to read and follow, and as reader friendly as possible. I hope to find time to blog a few times a week, but want to allow time for you, the reader, time to think about what I’ve put.

I’m not expecting you to agree with everything, but at least think about the stuff I put in it. If you like what I write, then that’s great. I will start the blog in earnest in the next day or two, and will be starting off by looking at the basis of all Spiritualism, The Seven Principles.

Love and Light
